Full Body Health Scan
Provided by both Deirdre & Jenny. This amazing scan offers you a world of information about your own health. This machine scans you using electrodes and relays information about what is happening on the inside. It tells us how your organs are functioning such as thyroid, liver, intestines and so much more. It gives you in depth readings of acid levels, stress levels, sleep pattern, yeast/candida overgrowth, digestive issues, joint health and can answer so many questions that you may have. The scan itself only takes 10minutes and will print you out an 18page report all about your health & then you have a full hour with our trained therapists who go through the report with you and explain all issues that have come up and give you helpful recommendations on how to get you back to better health. Suitable from kids aged 12 upwards and adults.
Please note you cannot be scanned it you are epileptic, have a pacemaker or if you are pregnant.
Cost €120 – Book an appointment on 0539236009